"Released" by Rebekah Younger cover image for Fall 2009 Goddard College Alumni Magazine
I just got my copy in the mail of the Goddard College Alumni magazine which features one of my photographs on the cover. While my clothing images have been published on the covers of national magazines in the past, this is my first cover featuring my own photography and artwork. My photographic work is about capturing moments of clear seeing. There is magic in the phenomenal world and a certain sacredness that is accessible when the world is experienced anew, unfiltered by our conceptual ideas about what we are seeing. To wake up to the world as it is can feed the soul. My images are intended to encourage the viewer to slow down and contemplate the wonder of our world.
This image records the morning light through our front door onto the hand of my sculpture, "Avalokiteshvara, Bodhisattva of Compassion", a life-size porcelain and mixed media figure of a Buddhist monk. The rainbow light caught my eye, calling me to record the moment of magic with my digital camera.
Avalokiteshvara Installation with wall hanging and flower arrangement at a Shambhala Art Festival 2007